History - 3-A Sanitary Standards Inc. Then and Now
The first standards for the hygienic design of equipment used in the dairy industry were introduced in the 1920s. These standards became known as '3-A standards' for the three 'associations' or interest groups that cooperated to improve equipment design and sanitation - regulatory sanitarians, equipment fabricators, and processors.
Today, 3-A SSI is an independent corporation dedicated to education and the mission to promote food safety through hygienic equipment design in the rapidly changing food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries.
How 3-A SSI operates:
The membership consists of four associations: American Dairy Products Institute, International Dairy Foods Association, Food Processing Suppliers Association and the International Association for Food Protection.
The Board of Directors consists of members designated by each association, plus a representative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Chair of the 3-A Steering Committee, and others.
The Chair of 3-A rotates among the three interest groups; the Chair serves a term of two years.
3-A SSI is supported by membership dues, sales from documents, 3-A Symbol license fees, and grants.
What 3-A SSI does:
Leads the development of standards for equipment and accepted practices for processing systems through a modern consensus process based on ANSI requirements.
Represents the interests of regulatory sanitarians, equipment fabricators, and processors in 'Promoting Food Safety Through Hygienic Design'.
Administers the Third Party Verification (TPV) inspection programs required for the 3-A Symbol Authorization, 3-A Process Certificate, and Replacement Parts & System Component Qualification Certificate to help ensure conformance to standards and accepted practices for equipment design and performance.
Provides special 'knowledge resources' on hygienic equipment design to enhance professionalism and to serve the public health.
關于3-A SSI
1920年代引入了乳制品行業所用設備衛生設計的第一個標準。這些標準被稱為“ 3-A標準”,用于三個合作改善設備設計和衛生的利益團體-監管衛生人員,設備制造商和加工商。
3-A Sanitary Standards,Inc.成立于2002年,是一家獨立的非營利性公司,致力于通過衛生設備設計提高食品安全性。成員由四個協會組成:美國乳制品協會,國際乳制品協會,食品加工供應商協會和國際食品保護協會。
如今的3-A SSI擁有大量的設備和處理系統設計標準清單,這些標準是使用基于ANSI要求的現代共識流程開發的,以促進USDA,FDA和國家監管機構的認可。3-A SSI監督3-A符號授權計劃和其他自愿性證書,以幫助確認衛生處理設備和系統的完整性。3-A SSI提供了廣泛的知識資源,可以滿足快速變化的食品,飲料和制藥行業對培訓和教育的需求。