過程工業安全儀表系統的功能安全(Functionalsafty—Safety instrmented systems for the process industry sector)IEC61511-1過程工業安全儀表系統的功能安全-第1部分:框架、定義、系統、硬件和軟件要求IEC61511-2過程工業安全儀表系統的功能安全-第2部分:IEC61511的應用指南IEC61511-3過程工業安全儀表系統的功能安全-第3部分:確定要求的安全完整性等級的指南
◆結構 architecture
Arrangementof hardware and/or software elements in a system, for example
①arrangementof safety instrumented system (SIS) subsystems
②internal structure of an SIS subsystem
③arrangement of software programs
◆資產保護 assetprotection
Function allocatedto system design for the purpose of preventing loss to assets
◆基本過程控制系統(BPCS) basic process control system(BPCS)
Systemwhich responds to input signals form the process, its associated equipment,other programmable systems and/or an operator and generates output signalscausing the process and its associated equipment to operate in the desiredmanner but which does not perform any safety instrumented functions with aclaimed SIL≥1
◆通道 channel
element orgroup of elements that independently perform(s) a function
◆共同原因失效 commoncause failure
failure,which is the result of one or more events, causing failures of two or moreseparate channels in a multiple channel system, leading to system failure
◆共同模式失效 commonmode failure
failure oftwo or more channels in the same way, causing the same erroneous result
◆部件 component
one of theparts of a system, subsystem, or device performing a specific function
◆配置管理configuration management
disciplineof identifying the components of an evolving (hardware and software) system forthe purpose of controlling changes to those components and maintainingcontinuity and traceability throughout the life cycle
◆控制系統 controlsystem
systemwhich responds to input signals from the process and/or from an operator andgenerates output signals causing the process to operate in the desired manner
◆危險失效 dangerousfailure
failurewhich has the potential to put the safety instrumented system in a hazardous orfail-to-function state
◆相關失效 dependentfailure
failurewhose probability cannot be expressed as the simple product of theunconditional probabilities of the individual events which caused it
◆檢測到的 detected
in relationto hardware failures and software faults, detected by the diagnostic tests orthrough normal operation
◆裝置 device
functionalunit of hardware or software, or both, capable of accomplishing a specifiedpurpose
◆診斷覆蓋率(DC) diagnostic coverage (DC)
ratio ofthe detected failure rate to the total failure rate of the component orsubsystem as detected by diagnostic tests. Diagnostic coverage does not includeany faults detected by proof tests.
◆多樣性 diversity
existenceof different means performing a required function
◆電氣/電子/可編程電子(E/E/PE) electrical/electronic/programmable
electronicbased onelectrical (E) and/or electronic (E) and/or programmable electronic (PE)technology
◆誤差 error
discrepancybetween a computed, observed or measured value or condition and the true,specified or theoretically correct value or condition
◆外部風險降低設施 external risk reduction facilities
measuresto reduce or mitigate the risks, which are separate and distinct from the SIS
◆失效 failure
termination of the abilityof a functional unit to perform a required function
◆故障 fault
abnormal condition that maycause a reduction in, or loss of, the capability of a functional unit toperform a required function
◆故障避免 fault avoidance
use of techniques andprocedures which aim to avoid the introduction of faults during any phase ofthe safety life cycle of the safety instrum ented system
◆故障裕度 fault tolerance
ability of a functionalunit to continue to perform a required function in the presence of faults orerrors
◆最終元件 final element
part of a safetyinstrumented system which implements the physical action necessary to achieve asafe state
◆功能安全 functional safety
part of the overall safetyrelating to the process and the BPCS which depends on the correct functioningof the SIS and other protection layers
◆功能安全評估 functional safetyassessment
investigation, based onevidence, to judge the functional safety achieved by one or more protectionlayers
◆功能安全審核 functional safety audit
systematic and independentexamination to determine whether the procedures specific to the functionalsafety requirements comply with the planned arrangements, are implementedeffectively and are suitable to achieve the specified objectives
◆功能單元 functional unit
entity of hardware orsoftware, or both, capable of accomplishing a specified purpose
◆硬件安全完整性 hardware safety integrity
part of the safetyintegrity of the safety instrumented function relating to random hardwarefailures in a dangerous mode of failure
◆傷害 harm
physical injury or damageto the health of people, either directly or indirectly, as a result of damageto property or to the environment
◆危險 hazard
potential source of harm
◆人為誤差 human error失誤 mistake
human action or inactionthat produces an unintended result
◆影響分析 impact analysis
activity of determining theeffect that a change to a function or component will have to other functions orcomponents in that system as well as to other systems
確定一個系統中的一個功能或部件的改變,對該系統和其他系統中其他功能 或部件影響的活動。
◆獨立部門 independent department
department which isseparate and distinct form the departments responsible for the activities whichtake place during the specific phase of the safety life cycle that is subjectto the functional safety assessment or validation
◆獨立組織 independent organization
organization which isseparate and distinct, by management and other resources, from theorganizations responsible for the activities which take place during thespecific phase of the safety life cycle that is subject to the functionalsafety assessment or validation
◆獨立人員 independent person
person who is separate and distinct from theactivities which take place during the specific phase of the safety life cyclethat is subject to the functional safety assessment or validation and does nothave direct responsibility for those activities
◆輸入功能 input function
function which monitors the process and itsassociated equipment in order to provide input information for the logic solver
◆儀表 instrument
apparatus used in performing an action(typically found in instrumented systems)
◆邏輯功能 logic function
function which performs the transformationsbetween input information (provided by one or more input functions) and outputinformation (used by one or more output functions) ; logic functions providethe transformation from one or more input functions to one or more outputfunctions
◆邏輯解算器 logic solver
that portion of either a BPCS or SIS thatperforms one or more logic function(s)
◆安全配置的邏輯解算器 safety configured logic solver
general purpose industrial grade PE logicsolver which is specifically configured for use in safety applications in accordance with 11.5
◆維護/工程接口 maintenance/engineering interface
maintenance/engineering interface is thathardware and software provided to allow proper SIS maintenance or modification.It can include instructions and diagnostics which may be found in software,programming terminals with appropriate communication protocols, diagnostictools, indicators, bypass devices, test devices, and calibration devices
◆減輕 mitigation
action that reduces the consequence(s) of ahazardous event
◆操作模式 mode of operation
way in which a safety instrumented functionoperates
◆要求模式下的儀表安全功能 demand mode safety instrumentedfunction
where a specified action (for example, closingof a valve) is taken in response to process conditions or other demands. In theevent of a dangerous failure of the safety instrumented function a potentialhazard only occurs in the event of a failure in the process or the BPCS
◆連續模式下的儀表安全功能 continuous mode safetyinstrumented function
where in the event of a dangerous failure ofthe safety instrumented function a potential hazard will occur without furtherfailure unless action is taken to prevent it
◆模塊 module
self-contained assembly of hardware componentsthat performs a specific hardware function (i.e., digital input module,analogue output module), or reusable application program (can be internal to aprogram or a set of programs) that support a specific function, for example,portion of a computer program that carries out a specific function
◆從N中取M MooN
safety instrumented system, or part thereof,made up of “N” independent channels, which are so connected, that “M” channelsare suffic
ient to perform the safety instrumented function
◆必要的風險降低 necessary risk reduction
risk reduction required to ensure that the riskis reduced to a tolerable level
◆非可編程(NP)系統 non-programmable(NP) system
system based on non-computer technologies(i.e., a system not based on programmable electronics [PE] or software)
◆操作員接口 operator interface
means by which information is communicatedbetween a human operator(s) and the SIS (for example, CRTs, indicating lights,push-buttons, horns, alarms); the operator interface is sometimes referred toas the human-machine interface (HMI)
◆其他技術安全相關系統 other technology safety relatedsystem
safety related systems that are based on atechnology other than electrical, electronic, or programmable electronic
◆輸出功能 output function
function which controls the process and itsassociated equipment according to final actuator information from the logicfunction
◆階段 phase
period within the safety life cycle whereactivities described in this standard take place
◆預防 prevention
action that reduces the frequency of occurrenceof a hazardous event
◆過程風險 process risk
risk arising from the process conditions causedby abnormal events (include BPCS malfunction)
◆可編程電子(PE) programmable electronics
electronic component or device forming part ofa PES and based on computer technology. The term encompasses both hardware andsoftware and input and out units
◆可編程電子系統(PES) programmable electronic system (PES)
system for control, protection or monitoringbased on one or more programmable electronic devices, including all elements ofthe system such as power supplies, sen sors and other input devices, data highways andother communication paths, actuators and other output devices
◆編程 programming
process of designing, writing and testing a setof instructions for solving a problem or processing data
◆檢驗測試 proof test
test performed to reveal undetected faults in asafety instrumented system so that, if necessary, the system can be restored toits designed functionality
◆保護層 protection layer
any independent mechanismthat reduces risk by control, prevention or mitigation
◆經使用驗證的 proven-in-use
when a documentedassessment has shown that there is appropriate evidence, based on the previoususe of the component, that the component is suitable for use in a safetyinstrumented system
◆質量 quality
totality of characteristicsof an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs
◆硬件隨機失效 random hardware failure
failure, occurring at arandom time, which results from a variety of degradation mechanisms in thehardware
◆冗余 redundancy
use of multiple elements orsystems to perform the same function; redundancy can be implemented byidentical elements (identical redundancy) or by diverse elements (diverseredundancy)
◆風險 risk
combination of thefrequency of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm
◆安全失效 safe failure
failure which does not havethe potential to put the safety instrumented system in a hazardous orfail-to-function state
◆安全失效分數 safe failure fraction
fraction of the overallrandom hardware failure rate of a device that results in either a safe failureor a detected dangerous failure
◆安全狀態 safe state
state of the process whensafety is achieved
◆安全 safety
freedom from unacceptablerisk
◆安全功能 safety function
function to be implementedby an SIS, other technology safety related system or external risk, reductionfacilities, which is intended to achieve or maintain a safe state for theprocess, with respect to a specific hazardous event